Riesa factory
Founded as “GEG Seifenfabrik” in 1911 by the consumers’ cooperatives, it was known as “Konsumseifenwerk Riesa” during the GDR era. As the GDR’s largest soap factory, it supplied all of eastern Germany and much of COMECON with its products. KAPPUS Seifen GmbH Riesa & Co. in Saxony was founded on 1 April 1992 by M. Kappus (founded in 1848) on the premises of “Konsumseifenwerk Riesa” and was incorporated into the newly founded KAPPUS GmbH in 2020. The factory focuses on the production of products for retail and industry customers. Its portfolio includes soap products such as toilet soaps, syndets, alkaline soaps, speciality soaps and bile soaps.
Our locations
Heitersheim factory
Founded in Heitersheim in 1887, Hirtler, along with the KAPPUS Group, had a long history as one of the last independent and successful mid-sized producers of bar soap in Europe until 2015. Hirtler was acquired in 2016 by the former KAPPUS Group and incorporated into the newly founded KAPPUS GmbH in 2020 as a production site. Today the KAPPUS site in Heitersheim produces soap products – including toilet soaps, syndets, combars, alkaline soaps, speciality soaps and soap base for industrial processors – for prestigious branded goods makers, trademarks, industry customers and private labels.

Our locations
Kehl factory
The KAPPUS Group’s newest production site is in Kehl (near the German city of Offenburg) and was founded over 40 years ago by ADA Cosmetics International GmbH, a medium-sized supplier of solid and liquid cosmetic products and dispensing systems. KAPPUS took over the site in early 2021. Kehl is a highly flexible development and production site designed for smaller quantities; it can provide expert service for the small-batch needs of industrial and commercial customers. Production there provides fulfilling work for people with handicaps. In addition to soap products such as toilet soaps, syndets, alkaline soaps, speciality soaps and natural cosmetics, the site’s portfolio also includes unique packaging solutions.